I Wrote A Book!

What if, nestled alongside our world, there existed other worlds of a slightly different kind? Maybe there's a world lightyears ahead ours- in the future, where one rash decision could lead to a collision of fates. Maybe there's a world where all the fantastical creatures you've ever dared to believe in actually exist, and theyContinue reading "I Wrote A Book!"

September Audio & Graphic Work Updates

Audio: Dr. Alexandra Trevisan’s ‘Spiriosity’ Podcast: Dealing with Hardship and Trauma through Storytelling with Dr. Sarah Emanuel Frances M. Advincula’s 'Product Remixed' Podcast: Insight and Wisdom with Ravi Raman, Exec Career CoachPrivacy by Design with Ayana MillerWhy Stories Matter with Journalist Eva Recinos Sara Weinreb’s ‘Medium Well’ Podcast: Episode 71: You can't be an environmentalist unlessContinue reading "September Audio & Graphic Work Updates"

New Seasons and New Voices – Catching Up With Husmus

Long time no see! Here's what I've been up to lately: Audio: 🎉 There's a new member of the Husmus podcasting family! 🎉 I recently started editing Frances M. Advincula's Product Remixed Podcast. It's full of super interesting interviews, talented people, and fresh perspectives on tech. My latest edits there are: Increase your EQ toContinue reading "New Seasons and New Voices – Catching Up With Husmus"

May Update- Check Out What’s Been Sprouting!

Audio: Dr. Alexandra Trevisan’s ‘Spiriosity’ Podcast: Episode 5: The Importance of the Study of Religion and How it Applies to Everyday Life, with Dr. Kin CheungEpisode 6: Learning from Indigenous People and Their Traditions with Lecturer Tina Katsanos Alyssa Benjamin’s ‘Our Nature’ Podcast: EP 23: Embracing Water to Know Ourselves, Featuring Water Healer Jobi MansonContinue reading "May Update- Check Out What’s Been Sprouting!"

Busy-ness Before Bunny Day!

Audio: 🎉 New Podcast Launch! 🎉 Dr. Alexandra Trevisan's 'Spiriosity' Podcast: Episode 1: IntroductionEpisode 2: Asking Life’s Big Questions with Senior Lecturer LD RusselEpisode 3: Religion in the Contemporary United States with Dr. Sean McCloudEpisode 4: Exploring Contemporary Paganism and Burning Man with Dr. Sarah Pike Alyssa Benjamin's 'Our Nature' Podcast: EP 22: How NatureContinue reading "Busy-ness Before Bunny Day!"


Long time no see! A lot has happened in the land of Husmus since the last post. Long story short: EVERYONE GETS A SEASON 2! You get a season 2 and YOU get a season 2 and YOU GET A SEASON 2! Baily Hancock's 'Stop, Collaborate & Listen' Podcast is back for Season 2! HerContinue reading "HUSMUS SEASON 2!"

Guest Blogger Spotlight: Meghan Gieber – How I Healed My Body From Bouts of Anger Last Week

Meghan Gieber is a wellness + goals life coach, as well as a barre3 owner and instructor. You can find her on Instagram @meghangieber, and on her website meghangieber.com. How I Healed My Body From Bouts of Anger Last Week In all of its fury, anger is an emotion we need to handle delicately. TheContinue reading "Guest Blogger Spotlight: Meghan Gieber – How I Healed My Body From Bouts of Anger Last Week"

How Simba Helped Me Realize I’m a “Spoonie”

I'd just seen a pin on Instagram and instantly knew that I had to have it.  It was a re-creation of a cereal box prize that I remember from when I was little- a little plastic spoon with Simba from The Lion King on the handle.  The nostalgia factor alone had me hooked.But then IContinue reading "How Simba Helped Me Realize I’m a “Spoonie”"

From Anxious to Activist: How my anxiety helped me strive for exactly what I want, the way I want it

Elpha was kind enough to feature my career journey (and the large part my mental health played in it) in honor of Mental Health Awareness Week! Read it over on Elpha's site here, or I'm also going to paste it below for safe keeping. 🙂 “Thinking outside the box” is not so much a skillContinue reading "From Anxious to Activist: How my anxiety helped me strive for exactly what I want, the way I want it"

Guest Blogger Spotlight: Mark Merphy – Overcoming Panic and Fear

Here are my tips and coping techniques for overcoming Panic Disorder and General Anxiety issues. If you care to read my story I will attach it to the end so as to not waste time getting to the important part of this document. First we will start with the facts that you need to understandContinue reading "Guest Blogger Spotlight: Mark Merphy – Overcoming Panic and Fear"